And another thing

Monday 20/10/2008 22:30

  • Yesterday I was mainly working with Ste on the bathroom – we did a fair bit. basin.jpg  This is part of it. Still had to do skirting, bath panel, bit of tiling.So today went over and did most of the above – still a tiny bit of tiling to do at the end of the bath – will do on Thursday. 
  •  Checked out the laptop up for sale (OK) and the desktop (OK except for Windows update failing to instal updates with useful error  message “unable to instal”). Microsoft’s web site lived down to expectations, providing completely useless assistance. Fortunately a quick google turned up a little tool ( Dial-a-fix ) which fixed the problem – see here  if you need it. On the subject of good (and by definition FREE) software; (should that be a semicolon there)  since I’m carrying all my data with me on a memory stick, and being aware that if I left it on a train (haven’t been on one for twenty years) it might compromise national security, I was looking for a way of password protecting it (the data not the train).  Would you believe (yes) that I found a bit of software that will not only password protect files but also encrypt them. Should I contact Gordon to tip him off or tell Dave? They can find it here .
  • The marmite was good last night. I might have some more tonight

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