4 Writing Messages

Click on the ‘Write Message’ link under the GOTO heading and you will be taken to the ‘Write Post’ page (which is a nerd way of saying ‘Write a Message’). Enter a title for your message. Enter the text in the box below – you can choose the usual text editing stuff like colour, bold, italic etc. Below the text entry box there’s a box for you to upload images for your message. Click on the ‘Browse’ button at the end of the ‘File’ line to find an image on your PC then click the ‘Upload’ button and wait until the image appears in the area. On the right you will notice that ‘Thumbnail’ and ‘Link to File’ are selected, meaning that a thumbnail of your image will be included in your message which, when clicked will show the full image. Now scroll down the window with the image in it and click the ‘Send to Editor’ button to put the image into your message. When you’ve finished, press the ‘Publish’ button to put it on the Blog. Easy wasn’t it?

Just a word about images. Please use jpg or gif images which take a lot less disk space than bmp ones. Also, please don’t send up very large images (that can be produced with current digital cameras) – resize them on your PC if necessary to avoid me running out of space on the web site.

3 thoughts on “4 Writing Messages

  1. when i try doing this – it tells me i do not have administrative access – i have registered but cant quite work out how to actually log on

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