It’s Still about the Virus

US virus spread is increasing with Trump continuing to press for the states to open up their economies. He has pardoned his friend Stone who was convicted of lying to the Senate. By the end of the month he is promoting the use of masks.
The introduction of security laws in Hong Kong by China is widely condemned. US pressure to get HUAWEI out of 5g infrastructure has meant the UK has decided not to allow them participation here. This was largely due to the US banning their chips in HUAWEI products.

The Brazilian president, who downplays the virus and refused to wear a mask, has tested positive.
In the Uk, the chancellor, Sunak, announces plans for stimulating the economy including government subsidies for eating in restaurants Mon to Wed during August. The government has confirmed plans to get all children back to school in September. Travel, without the need for 14 day quarantine on return, has been announced for 70 countries. Spain is removed from the list on 25th July. Changes were introduced for 24th July including the opening of covid prepared gyms and pools and the requirement to wear masks in shops.
There are localised virus outbreaks (mainly in factories where distancing is difficult or in crowded multi occupancy household areas) resulting in restrictions in Leicester, Blackburn and Greater Manchester.

000’s Cases Deaths
Feb March April May June July Feb Mar April May June July
World 85 863 1985 2957 10550 17744 3 43 234 382 519 682
UK 0 22 171 249 283 303 0 2 27 37 40 41
USA 0 193 1099 1855 2730 4714 0 5 64 109 130 157
Brazil 0 6 85 515 1408 2666 0 0 6 29 60 93
India 0 1 35 190 586 1697 0 0 1 5 17 37
Spain 0 96 239 265 273 324 0 8 25 28 28 28
France 0 52 130 152 165 188 0 4 24 29 30 30

Football Restarts

USA virus level is increasing with easing. Trump is desperate to get the economy going. The police killing of a black guy has resulted in demonstrations across the country and some riots. Some demonstrators at the white house were cleared by police using tear gas so that Trump could get a photo opportunity at a nearby church. Racial demos are occurring worldwide with some in the UK.  In Bristol a ‘slaver’ statue was pulled down. There’s a danger of a bandwagon effect. I don’t agree with some voices that promote rejection of British historical realities and values (Empire etc).
Some kids are back in school – infants reception & years 1 & 6. Teens seem to be suffering particularly with the loss of education and the loss of contact with friends and social activities. There’s no plan for full school return before september.
Worldwide the pandemic is accelerating. Brazil has taken second place in the world for number of cases. The Beijing area is in lockdown after an outbreak in a large market.

In the UK, travel and staying over announced as OK from 4th July. Football restarts with empty stadia on the 17th June with an accelerated schedule with Liverpool rapidly winning the premiership.
Rashford gets the government to commit to free meals for needy kids who cannot go to school.
The government plans to establish travel corridors to avoid quarantine for travellers returning from approved countries.
Holiday bookings are up.

Virus status at month end

000’s Cases Deaths
Feb March April May June Feb Mar April May June
World 85 863 1985 2957 10550 3 43 234 382 519
UK 0 22 171 249 283 0 2 27 37 40
USA 0 193 1099 1855 2730 0 5 64 109 130
Brazil 0 6 85 515 1408 0 0 6 29 60
India 0 1 35 190 586 0 0 1 5 17
Spain 0 96 239 265 273 0 8 25 28 28
France 0 52 130 152 165 0 4 24 29 30

Its All About The Virus

Fortunately the lockdown weather has been good – 6 weeks sunshine, one a bit rainy
UK reaches 30k dead by 5th may. On the 9th some UK easing –  go to work if you can safely but work from home if you can.  Target for start and end primary classes to return and  limited secondary on 1st of June.  Some shops planned to open 15th June. Testing planned for all with symptoms. Track and trace started. Deficit £62b April.
Johnson aid cummings breaks lockdown rules with a trip – gets stonewalling support from Johnson.
Europe starts easing
Trump claims that USA has ‘World best testing’ at White House briefing which resembles an electioneering event. Under press questioning from an asian woman he insults her and walks off ! A black man was killed by police sparking riots and a “Black Lives Matter ” movement. Trump promotes an unproven covid drug and paints protesters as violent mobs.
Little Richard dies.
Plane crash in Pakistan
China plans to introduce a widely criticised security law in Hong Kong which will significantly reduce freedoms.
Virus status month end
000’s Cases Deaths
Feb March April May Feb Mar April May
World 85 863 1985 2957 3 43 234 382
China 78 82 83 83 3 3 5 5
Italy 3 106 205 233 0 12 28 34
USA 0 193 1099 1855 0 5 64 109
Spain 0 96 239 265 0 8 25 28
UK 0 22 171 249 0 2 27 37